Science-based serotonin precursor
Mood imbalance is one of the most prevalent concerns affecting an individual’s quality of life. Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is a monoamine neurotransmitter involved in several crucial physiological processes, especially in modulating mood, cognition, sleep, appetite, learning, memory, and vasoconstriction.[1] Serotonin is synthesized in the intestinal tract as well as in the central nervous system.
Inadequate levels of serotonin in the brain have been associated with several disorders.[1]
5‑Hydroxytryptophan (5‑HTP) derived from the seed of Griffonia simplicifolia is a natural precursor needed for the synthesis of serotonin as well as for the neurohormone melatonin.[2] Orally administered serotonin is not able to cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore cannot enter the CNS.[1, 2] 5‑HTP, however, is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, where it can then be utilized as a precursor to raise serotonin levels safely and effectively.[2, 3]
- Help promote a healthy mood balance [3, 4]
- Help relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia [5]
- Be used as a sleep aid [6]
- Help alleviate the severity and duration of migraine headaches when taken as a prophylactic [7]
Size & Format: 90 Capsules, 50 mg or 100 mg
Contains No: Gluten, soy, wheat, corn, eggs, dairy, preservatives, artificial flavor or color, starch, or sugar.
Adults: Take 1 capsule three times daily or as directed by your health-care practitioner.
情緒失衡是影響個人生活質量的最普遍問題之一。 5-羥色胺或 5-羥色胺 (5-HT) 是一種單胺類神經遞質,參與幾個重要的生理過程,特別是在調節情緒、認知、睡眠、食慾、學習、記憶和血管收縮方面。 [1]血清素在腸道和中樞神經系統中合成。
大腦中血清素水平不足與多種疾病有關。 [1]
5-羥基色氨酸 (5-HTP) 源自加納單葉的種子,是合成血清素和神經激素褪黑激素所需的天然前體。 [2]口服血清素不能穿過血腦屏障,因此不能進入中樞神經系統。[1, 2] 然而,5-HTP 能夠穿過血腦屏障,然後可以用作前體安全有效地提高血清素水平。 [2, 3]
幫助促進健康的情緒平衡 [3, 4]
幫助緩解纖維肌痛症狀 [5]
用作助眠劑 [6]
採取預防措施時,有助於減輕偏頭痛的嚴重程度和持續時間 [7]
大小和形式:90 粒膠囊,50 毫克或 100 毫克
成人:每日 3 次,每次 1 粒,或遵醫囑。